I’m headed on a weekend trip with my wife and her family. It’s her birthday weekend and it should be a blast! So, I’m going to make this post a short one. I’m even going to go for Michael Hyatt’s recommendation to get my post at or around 500 words. Wish me luck.
To keep this one simple, I’m going to share 3 tips that have helped me in my business. I hope they can help you like they have me.
1) Learn to write sales copy
This is also called copywriting. It’s basically the ability to convince people to buy your product or service. I can honestly say this skill set has many millions of dollars to my companies over the last ten years. If you want some of my best advice on writing copy, you can read this post here. And also sign-up for my email list as I’m currently working on a book and a copywriting course for business owners that will (hopefully) come out later this year. Get on the notification list here. (On that page I’ll also email you my Super Six Productivity Hack).
2) Figure out how to package what you know into an information product
We live in the golden age of information. AKA the “information age”. Some view it as a bad thing. Saying that we are inundated with too much information. It is true that a simple google search could give you everything you need (pretty much) to learn about any given topic. Yet, information product sales are at record highs. Why is this? It’s because people don’t just want information, they want convenience.
So, if you can take all the information out there, really understand it, then condense it into an easy to digest format, people will pay for. If you don’t think this is true, just think water. Water is free at any water fountain and at your house. Yet, people spend billions (my guess anyway) on water bottles every year. Why? Convenience. And it’s “easy to digest”. So, if you have any skill set that lends itself to it, make a course or program. You’d be amazed how much you know.
3) Find people to help you do the parts you aren’t good at or just plain can’t stand
This is an important one and it’s been a key to my success. There are some tasks that I don’t particularly enjoy (or am terrible at) like finance, bookkeeping, customer service, sales, and design. When I list it all out, it makes me wonder what I actually do haha. But I digress. These are all areas that I know I’m not the best in. I did the jobs as I had to, but as soon as I could, I got help. The more help I get, the more I was able to grow my business.
Don’t fall into the trap of thinking that you have to know how to do everything and be great at it. Do what you have to, but not for a second longer than you have to. That way, you can focus on what you like and what you’re good at. This will grow your company and your financial health faster than any other strategy. (Except for winning the lotto?)
Final Thoughts:
Success is available for those who pursue it. Take massive action and dream a little dream. A little more than 10 years ago, I was working as an overnight stock boy at Wal-Mart. It literally blows my mind when I think about that. Seems like a thousand years ago. But, I had a dream to do more, be more, and earn more. And after taking my lumps as an entrepreneur, I was able to do it.
I can’t wait to hear your story of success.
Hi Mike,
I know you read a ton of books on writing copy. Is Michael Fortin on your list? If you were to make a list of must read books on copywriting, what would it be? With number 1 being the most important…
I may change this in the future and I’ll also write a post about it, but here’s my top 5.
1) Breakthrough Advertising by Eugene Schwartz (contact me I can get you this book cheaper cause its out of print)
2) Great Leads by Michael Masterson
3) Scientific Advertising by Claude Hopkins
4) The Copywriters Handbook by Bob Boy
5) The Boron Letters by Gary Halbert
Hi Mike- Definitely interested in your #1 read! Can you help me get it at the best price possible? Thanks for my NEW Book List! Super excited to get reading. Looking forward to your upcoming post you referenced here.