It seems like only yesterday I decided to register this domain name and start blogging…but boy have things changed since then. 1 year ago I didn’t have much of anything. I owned a cell phone store, but didn’t make very much more than a VERY modest living.
I spent the majority of my time working away 10 hours a day at the store, I didn’t really go out much and the idea of vacations seemed like something OTHER people did.
Fast forward 1 year later. I’ve achieved a lot of my goals. I went from earning around $1000 a month working 10 hour days 6 days a week to now earning in excess of $30,000 dollars my last month working as an internet marketer. I’m not bragging, I’m EXCITED, lol.
In America, today is Independence day. When I started this blog last year, I chose this day for a specific reason. I knew that the internet would provide me with the chance to experience TRUE independence…which is to do what you want, when you want, and with who you want.
Right now I’m sitting at a small desk overlooking the Atlantic Ocean. I’m staying with one of my business partners at their condo in Daytona Beach. I never would have guessed when I started this site that I’d be at an expensive condo only 1 year later. It really is true! What you think about, you bring about.
Life is nothing more than what we make of it. We can spend our time making excuses or making money. We can’t make both. I invite you to join me this year in pursuing your dreams and goals.
I have a lot more to accomplish. I’m still working on my weight loss goals, and you can check out my progress here:
Weight Loss Challenge
This blog now shares mostly free internet marketing information. I actually need to get the layout changed, which I think I’ll do soon. 🙂
Oh and about Internet Marketing. Be on the lookout for a launch coming up Friday night at Midnight. It’s the 7 Figure Code by Mike Filsaime.
You can get the details here:
I’ll be offering an AWESOME bonus for those who purchase through my link. I’m partnering with Lisa Diane (my friend and mentor) and we’ll working out an INCREDIBLE bonus deal. Stay tuned for more on that.
Finally – I want to say THANK YOU for everyone who’s been with me reading this blog since last year. I need to say a special thank you to Ryan and Melissa who kept encouraging me and leaving comments, 😉 . Thank you guys for your