Before reading this article make sure you read Part 1. Part 1 talks about getting started and choosing an eating plan, along with some other very important stuff…
So you’ve started you’re new way of eating! Congratulations. Perhaps you don’t always eat the right foods, but each week you make a conscious effort to adjust your eating behavior. You have realized that progress is better than perfection. If you haven’t quite got it yet, hang in there, it’ll happen. These next five steps are going be a big help!
6) Commit to the Long Haul.
If you haven’t already done so, you need to commit in your mind that you are going to stick to this new life forever. It’s the new you and it makes you happy. When you were eating whatever you wanted were you happy? So how can giving up and eating those old nasty foods that led you to where you were be a good thing? Commit to the long haul and you will learn the greatest secret to success with weight loss. (And anything else for that matter)
- When Failure is not an option, success is inevitable.
When you grasp that, you begin to see that your weight loss adventure is a journey through hills, valleys, trees, mountains, and even past a few doughnut shops, but it will work out as long as you keep on walking. Speaking of walking…
7) Get Moving (Exercise)
The late great Dr. Atkins said that if he could invent any pill in the world, he would invent a pill that makes people exercise. All Doctors, scientists, and gym teachers agree: Exercise is an important part of any healthy life strategy.
I recommend you have 2 or 3 weeks of eating right under your belt until you begin exercising. That way you’ve already adjusted your lifestyle and exercising won’t be such a shock, it’ll be the next logical step in your journey.
Exercise breaks into two main categories:
I have selected two links that talk more in depth about each aspect, make sure to go to those pages for more detailed information. This article is broader and focuses on getting you started, I’ll let these other sites get into more detail on the specifics.
Both Cardio and Weight Training are important and vital to healthy living. I suggest you join a gym or get some free weights and a treadmill. I lift weights 3 times a week and do cardio 3 times a week. I also attempt to play sports at least 1 night a week if not 2. Racquetball has become one of my new favorite past times, you should play it sometime, trust me, it’s a lot of fun! If you think you can’t afford a gym you can at least begin by jumping rope, walking around the block, always taking the stairs, jumping on a trampoline, etc. Doing anything is better than doing nothing.
8) Don’t Be Afraid To Eat Out.
If you ate out before you began your new eating habits, odds are you’ll still want to eat out. So what’s the best thing to do? Keep on eating out by all means! If you don’t you’ll never make it. When you go out opt for salads, chicken, and no fried foods. I didn’t say it was gonna be easy, but it is very possible. When I eat out I usually have Caesar salads, fajitas with no tortilla, pizza toppings, chicken breast, and other fine low Carb foods. I made sure I could eat foods I like when I picked my new eating style, so make sure you do the same!
9) Find A Partner
Everything is easier when you have someone else helping you. Find someone to join you in your eating plan and find someone to go to the gym with you, or to go with you on a walk. It’s much better to have someone else you can talk to and that can hold you accountable. You and your “accountability partner” can keep each other in check and if either of you is feeling down, you can inspire each other by your actions and positive words.
10) Grow As You Go, or Die If You Don’t Try.
Always remember it’s a gradual process. Getting to your goal weight will happen when you commit to it happening. If you won’t quit, then eventually, no matter what, you will see that magical number on the scale you’ve been aiming for. Don’t get discouraged! See each day as a new opportunity to work towards your goal. When you weigh in each week, take into account muscle mass, water, and what time of day you weigh. It’s best to weigh in wearing the same clothes at the same time on the same day of the week. No matter what happens from week to week, promise yourself you’re going to keep on going.
Success comes to those who don’t see failure as an option. Your weight each week isn’t a sign of success or failure, it’s only a tool for determining what to change, keep, or fix. The best sign of weight loss is your clothes. As you stay with your new eating plan, your clothes will feel looser. So look forward to buying new clothes! Just make sure they fit the new you…
11) Last Thing: Submit Your Before Pictures!
I’m going to make a gallery of all the people who have read this article and lost weight. I’ll have my picture on it as well as others. So, get out the digital camera and email me your picture. Let’s make it our goal to lose 1 ton as a team! Send me your picture, name, and total weight loss goal. You don’t have to say how much you weigh now, just how much you want to lose. Let’s do this! E-mail Me!
Awesome part 2, Mike. Very motivational and realistic, so it combines “it can be done” with the desired goal in mind. Each step has points worth remembering, and success being inevitable when failure isn’t an option is my favorite. It’s nice you put links here too. The person I had in mind about this yesterday liked steps 1-5 so I’m sending them a link to this article also…and it won’t take long before they are hooked on OnlyOneMike. =) As I’ve said before, the points you write about, even with specific topics like this, can be applied to an endless sea of other goals in life.
Cathy, I appreciate the raw truth. It’s not aylwas easy when satan has his hands in the deck of cards. But what you need to remember is GOD deals the cards! It’s not just about numbers on a scale as you know. It’s a total transformation spiritually, mentally and then physically The devil has had his claws in you long enough. Keeping you in my prayers! You CAN do this! I have all the faith in the world in you, but more importantly, so does God!XOXOCoach Anna