Last night I was taking a break from my online work, so I decided to sit down and watch the movie Invincible starring Mark Wahlberg.The movie is based on the true story of Vince Papale, a bar …
If You Fail To Plan…Well, You Know The Rest
Last night I stayed late at my office working on the projects of the coaching program I'm involved with. See - I do work! Anyway, my brother Mark had a genius idea. He asked if he could use my …
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Good Cop Bad Cop
It all started on the way home from Big Seminar. Being that I live in the same town as Lisa Diane, we and a couple other friends drove together to Atlanta to attend Armand Morin's Big Seminar. On …
Paris Hilton Going To Jail?
There are few tragedies worse that of Paris Hilton going to jail, I have to admit I sort of feel bad for her. I mean, all she did was drive drunk with a suspended license. Haven't we all done …
How $10 Cost Me Millions
Hey! I wanted to tell you something stupid about me. I'm not joking, this is so stupid it will probably make you sick to your stomach. When I thought about it I almost did get sick! As you …
I’m Still Here
I know I haven't been posting as much lately, but I am still here, I promise! I've been working full time as an internet marketer, and I thought I'd have more free time, but truth be told I'm …
How To Fail Your Way To Success
Failure is not an option, it's an outcome. Basically, life is a set of failures, each one leading us closer and closer to a predetermined outcome of our choice. Allow me to explain further. How …
Beating Defeating Thinking
I came across this article and thought it would be good to share. Too many of us defeat ourselves because we give up before we even try. It's very important to believe in yourself and not have … Is Gone?
To my marketing friends, There has been much speculation in the last few days about closing up shop and going it's merry way. I must say that I have been trying to access the …
Three Steps to Fitness
Here's a lovely short article from Jessica Dawn about mindset and weight loss. I hope it inspires you like it has me. Let's stay on track and make 2007 the best year ever! Most of us have had times …